This section of the industry directory is where visitors search for specific products. Booking multiple categories makes it easier for your customers to find you.
Number of included entries varies depending on the package booked.
LOPEC index of products and services
Price | |
1 additional entry | € 95 |
Be found using as many search terms as possible!
Do you have special offers for specific branches of industry? Then address visitors in those sectors directly and have your company listed under the corresponding application sectors online in the industry directory.
Number of included entries varies depending on the package booked.
The focus topics at LOPEC
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Price | |
1 additional entry | € 95 |
Video advertising sparks interest and transports impressions of your service range: Benefit from our offer to integrate your video in your profile in the LOPEC industry directory all year long.
Format | Price | |
Video | Upon request | € 215 |
Give the LOPEC industry an idea about your business activities.
A product presentation includes one picture and 1,000 characters of text including spaces. 1 download PDF can be deposited with each presentation.
Your product presentation appears in the section presentations and on your detailed page in the industry directory.
Price | |
Product presentation | € 215 |